Tuesday 23 August 2011

the wishlist

When I opened my blog yesterday, I accidentally read my wish list tab and found out that about four (actually, five) wishes among eleven had become reality within six month.
I believe in the law of attraction though I don't always applied the law to almost everything around me. But here, once again it has proven to me to be true.
Thank the Almighty God for making the law works to me :D
It's been 6 month full of grace for me, and all because of Him.


  1. salah satunya apakah berhubungan dengan pekerjaan ? *ihik* :p

  2. *ihik* alhamdulillah ya mbak~ XDDD
    kalo kerjaan yg ini sebenernya udah pengen2an sejak sebelum lulus sih,ehehehe...:D
